Residents of the UAE
Non-residents (tourists, etc.):
Minimum rental period is 3 day (72 hours) with maximum grace period of 1 hour
By the condition of insurance, you can rent a car from 21 years!
Delivery-return charges AED 100 within Dubai airport, AED 250 for Sharjah and AED 500 for other Emirates.
When planning a vacation in Dubai, do not forget about the possibility of independent travel around the country. After all, this way you can see more sights and get the most out of it. Our Hyundai rental H1 2019 is 350 AED per day. And you'll get a comfortable car for personal use for the number of days you choose.
The comfortable minibus is suitable for trips in groups or large family. After all, the cabin can accommodate up to 9 people. Easy operation thanks to Automatic drive allows you to quickly understand the driving. Hyundai H1 2019 rental is issued by passport and driver's license. The rental Includes insurance on the road Dubai, getting the car for personal use for selected number of days. We provide 24/7 information on about how to drive the booked car.