Motiongate Dubai is a large-scale branch of Hollywood in the Middle East. This theme park has united three legendary monsters of the film industry - Sony Pictures Studios, DreamWorks Animation and Lionsgate. The creators dedicated this park to them and, thereby, realized the dreams of all cinephiles of the world. Now everyone has a unique opportunity to plunge into the attracting world of Hollywood movies.Finding yourself on the other side of the screen in the area of Sony Pictures Studios, you can ride on the High Speed Chase roller coaster, ride in the black Chrysler Imperial from the Green Hornet, hunt for ghosts, raise the adrenaline level to the skies, rising to the Blast off - 58 meters in Zombieland (Zombieland).
It is impossible to resist even the sweet smurfs who in their "village" from the mushroom houses Smurfs Village Zone arrange a warm welcome to all guests. In addition, there are various attractions, including roller coaster, created for the first time in the world based on the animated cartoon "Smurfiki". Connoisseurs of live performances like the show: in the style of hip-hop "Step Up Dubai, All In", the performance of dancing "ghost hunters" or a musical show "Backlot Beat".Loved by many, the fully covered area DreamWorks Zone offers 12 attractions: a dungeon, roller coaster, interactive zones, playgrounds with live performances. A magical world full of immersion - here the guests are called cartoon characters "Madagascar", "Panda Kung Fu", "Shrek" and "How to Train Your Dragon." And for gourmets - the zone Lionsgate, which carries into the world of alternative reality, created based on the cult saga "Hunger Games." Here you can ride on attractions with scenery from movies, including roller coaster and 3D.The modern cars of our company Absolute rent a car will help you comfortably reach the amusement park.